Delaware Health Information Network

Mid-Delaware Imaging Goes On-line: Imaging Results Immediately Available to Physicians and Hospitals through DHIN

DOVER, DE – March 22, 2013 – This week’s launch of Mid-Delaware Imaging (MDI) on the Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN) marks another milestone for the nation’s first and most mature state-wide health information exchange.  MDI began sending radiology reports to physicians through the DHIN this week and became the first Kent County based imaging center to join DHIN. Patient imaging reports are now immediately available through DHIN for physicians and hospitals treating those patients. The availability of the data is expected to greatly speed care and eliminate paperwork.

”We are very excited to have our radiology reports sent through DHIN,” said Vicki Parikh, MDI’s Practice Manager. “Better access helps physicians reduce valuable time spent locating reports that could otherwise be spent with patients.  DHIN also allows us to directly send results into the physicians’ electronic medical record systems which greatly increases efficiency for both MDI and the referring doctors.  With DHIN’s wide reach throughout Delaware, it accomplishes both objectives on a large scale.  Now, there are no faxes, no lost paper, and no need for additional phone calls to find records. It is really saving time in getting results for patients.”

Located on South Queen Street in Dover, Mid-Delaware Imaging has had a large practice in Kent County for over 20 years. It offers a full range of state-of-the-art imaging services including digital mammography, high field 1.5 T MRI and 64 Detector CT scans. Mid-Delaware is one of the few radiology services to offer Double-Read Mammography with two board-certified radiologists reading mammograms, which studies have indicated results in more accurate cancer detection.

“Having Mid-Delaware Imaging join the other major radiology, laboratory and diagnostic firms posting patient information on DHIN is an important improvement for patient care, especially in Kent County,” said Dr. Jan Lee, Executive Director of DHIN. “Physicians can now access those records within minutes of their completion and being provided to the network.  This helps to begin treatment more efficiently and quickly.  Having real-time clinical results not only saves time and money, but also helps physicians improve care.”

The Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN) was established by the Delaware General Assembly as a public-private partnership for the benefit of all citizens of Delaware to advance the creation of a statewide health information network and to address Delaware’s needs for timely, reliable and relevant healthcare information. The Network was launched in 2007 and has grown to serve all of the State’s acute care hospitals and  approaching 100% of the State’s medical providers.

About Mid-Delaware Imaging

Mid-Delaware Imaging is a private outpatient diagnostic radiology facility that has been serving the community for over 20 years.  MDI offers state of the art radiologic care including a 64 Detector CT, Open MRI, High Field 1.5T MRI, Digital Mammography, Digital X-Ray, Ultrasound, Fluoroscopy, Bone Density Scans (DEXA), Nuclear Medicine, and Fluoro-guided Therapeutic Injections. Its mission is to provide high quality radiologic care to patients with the highest of technical standards in a warm and friendly environment. For more information on Mid-Delaware Imaging, visit

About the Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN)

The Delaware Health Information Network is the first live, statewide health information network in the nation.  Launched in 2007, today it serves all of Delaware’s acute care hospitals and approaching 100% of the State’s medical providers.* More than 9,000,000 clinical results and reports are posted on DHIN each year. Total patient records in the system now exceed 1.4 million including patients from all 50 states. For more information about DHIN visit or call 302-678-0220.  Please also visit us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter (@DHIN_hie).

*Provider penetration calculation reflects the number of providers who make orders and are enrolled in DHIN (MD’s, OD’s, NP’s, PA’s and ED’s).  It does not include healthcare providers that do not make orders (e.g. Pathologists).  Total provider list compiled from multiple sources including the Medical Society of Delaware, University of Delaware, Delaware Blue Cross Blue Shield and the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation.


“DHIN makes it very easy for us when a patient calls and says that they’ve had lab work or they’ve had imaging done, that we’re able to print that out and have that in their chart and reviewed prior to their appointment. So, it helps us out a lot in terms of time and convenience.”

Wendy Silicato, First State Gastroenterology Association

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