Delaware Health Information Network

DHIN Data Supports Clinical Trial Research

MedVector Collaboration Connects Clinicians with Relevant Trial Opportunities

DOVER, DE (February 8, 2024) — Delaware Heath Information Network (DHIN), the First State’s health information exchange, has signed an agreement with MedVector to make clinical trials a statewide care option. By leveraging de-identified aggregate claims data and DHIN’s vast network of participating clinicians, MedVector and DHIN facilitate access to advanced medicine by connecting treating physicians to clinical trial sites.

Beyond its role serving as the State-sanctioned provider of health information exchange services, DHIN powers Delaware’s Health Care Claims Database (HCCD), supporting data analytics for research and policy decisions. This trove of claims data, dating back to 2013, is particularly valuable to health researchers, as it encompasses the majority of Delawareans and features more than 100 million medical claims and over 90 million pharmacy claims.

In 2022, the HCCD governing body authorized DHIN to use de-identified claims data to help connect research organizations with relevant health systems and practices. These healthcare providers have direct relationships with patients who could both qualify for and benefit from participation in a clinical trial. They consider the potential benefits of the trial on a patient’s care plan and work with the patient to make an informed decision for participation. The most prevalent trials are in the areas of cancer treatments, diabetes, blood disorders, organ transplants and reproductive health issues.

Through this clinical trial sourcing agreement, MedVector will provide DHIN with scope parameters for upcoming trials. DHIN, in return, conducts an analysis of de-identified claims data to identify the provider organizations with patients who could most benefit from a clinical trial. DHIN contacts those providers whose patient population meets the parameters to inform them about the trial and, upon consent, introduce them to MedVector for further discussion.

MedVector Chief Executive Officer Scott Stout explains the benefits of the partnership to medicine: “Clinical trials are the backbone of medical progress and a way for patients to access lifesaving interventions years before they’re released to the public. Research suggests nearly 75% of patients would consider a clinical trial if it were recommended by their doctor, but fewer than one in 50 Americans have ever participated in one. MedVector aligns incentives between investigators and treating physicians, giving them access to the missing majority of patients desperately needed to advance medicine and save lives.”

DHIN Chief Operating Officer Randy Farmer highlights DHIN’s ability to support clinical research efforts: “Among the biggest challenges for any clinical trial is finding the right patient at the right time where care plans and the research goals align. This partnership has the potential to shave years off of the recruitment process and improve access to trials for qualified participants from diverse backgrounds. Connecting patients with the trial opportunities they want to support is another innovative way that DHIN helps to advance the cause of medicine.”



“The information on DHIN is so helpful to our practice. We have patients come into the office that can’t remember where they had lab/radiology work done. Utilizing the DHIN system, we log onto DHIN, type in the patient’s name and we can see where the patient had reports done. It really does help us from having to call around and track down that information.”

– Debbie McGinnes, Nurse – Bijan Sorouri, MD, PA

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