DHIN News Releases
It’s full steam ahead for medical data highway
June, 2012
It’s full steam ahead for medical data highway
(June 3, 2012) - Health care is and will be changing in Delaware regardless of what the U.S. Supreme Court...
Statewide medical record system touted
May, 2012
Statewide medical record system touted
(May 24, 2012) - Randy Gaboriault’s mother, Kathleen “Kay”, came down with pneumonia about two months ago, went to a...
Delaware Health Information Network Marks 5th Anniversary
May, 2012
Delaware Health Information Network Marks 5th Anniversary
Dover, Delaware (May 18, 2012) – Leaders from throughout Delaware gathered at Christiana Hospital today to celebrate the anniversary of another...
Delaware, a leader in HIE and other health IT
April, 2012
Delaware, a leader in HIE and other health IT
By Mary MosqueraWhile Delaware is moving slowly on health insurance exchanges and other pieces of health reform, it has demonstrated...
Delaware Becomes First State to Enroll All Acute Care Hospitals in State-Wide Community Health Record
February, 2012
Delaware Becomes First State to Enroll All Acute Care Hospitals in State-Wide Community Health Record
Dover, Delaware (February 20, 2012) - The Delaware Health Information Network (“DHIN”) announces full participation of all acute care hospitals...