Delaware Health Information Network

For Data Senders

Is your organization interested in becoming a DHIN data sender?

DHIN is proud that 100% of all acute care hospitals in the state of Delaware participate in the network as data senders. In addition to Delaware hospitals, several prominent and leading labs and radiology organizations also participate in DHIN, providing their results to the DHIN network. Every year over 14 million results are transmitted through DHIN, helping medical professionals provide better care, more efficiently. The network helps participating labs and hospitals reduce their costs of providing results by up to 86%1.

Delaware Health Information Network Companion Guide – This guide is to be used for the development of data interfaces to transmit laboratory, radiology, pathology, cardiology, transcribed, admit/discharge/transfer, and continuity of care documents (CCD) test results to Delaware Health Information Network

Acute Care Hospitals

Name General Labs Microbiology Radiology Pathology Transcription ADTs (Admission, Discharge and Transfer Summaries)
Atlantic General Hospital X X X X X X
Bayhealth X X X X X X
Beebe Healthcare X X X X X X
ChristianaCare X X X X X X
ChristianaCare Union Hospital X X X X X X
Nemours X X X X X
Saint Francis Healthcare X X X X X X
TidalHealth X X X X X X


Name General Labs Microbiology Pathology
ACCU Reference Medical Lab X X
Doctors Pathology Services X X X
Delaware Division of Public Health X X X
Delaware Diagnostic Labs X
Green Clinics Laboratory X
LabCorp X X
LGC/Priva Lab X
Medical Diagnostic Labs X X
Natera X
P4 Diagnostix Laboratory Network X X
Poplar Healthcare X
Quest Diagnostics X X

Radiology Firms

Name Radiology
Akumin X
Bear MRI and Imaging Center X
Delaware Center for Maternal and Fetal Medicine of ChristianaCare, Inc. X
Delaware Imaging Network (Includes Mid Delaware Imaging and Delaware Diagnostic Imaging) X
Limestone Open MRI & Imaging Center X
Ocean Medical Imaging X

Urgent Care Centers/Walk-In Clinics

Name Transcription ADTs (Admission, Discharge and Transfer Summaries) Care Summaries
Ambient Care X X
ChristianaCare Now Medical Aid Units X X
GoHealth Urgent Care X
Newark 24/7 Urgent Care Center X X

Endoscopy Centers

Name ADTs (Admission, Discharge and Transfer Summaries) Reports
Endoscopy Center of Delaware X X
Mid-Atlantic Endoscopy Center X X

Other Data Senders

Name Transcription ADTs (Admission, Discharge and Transfer Summaries) Care Summaries COVID-19 Results
Genesis Healthcare X X
HealthShare Exchange X
Innovation Precision Health X

Report types available through DHIN

For more information on becoming a data sender to DHIN, contact Randy Farmer (COO) at (302) 678-0220 or

1 Source: 2011 AHRQ Evaluation, compared average cost of non-electronic delivery methods ($1.80/result/ destination) vs. cost of sending results electronically through DHIN (0.25/result/destination).


“DHIN makes it very easy for us when a patient calls and says that they’ve had lab work or they’ve had imaging done, that we’re able to print that out and have that in their chart and reviewed prior to their appointment. So, it helps us out a lot in terms of time and convenience.”

Wendy Silicato, First State Gastroenterology Association

Delaware Health Information Network - Empowering Data-Driven Decisions

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